Lisha Payne

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Dublin Core


Lisha Payne


Lisha Payne is a 22 year old Chinese queer and nonbinary individual and current NYU undergraduate student who works at the A.P.C. clothing store. They discussed their experience in constantly switching between jobs until they got this job at A.P.C. about a month prior to the interview, but didn’t feel any strong connection to the store as they aren’t very interested in fashion and this impacted the hiring process for them. They talked about what it was like as a nonbinary worker at A.P.C., including their feelings about the clothes they wore to work, the gendered layout of the store, being often misgendered, and interacting with cis customers in a heavily gendered retail space. Lisha expressed a lot of dissatisfaction with the store, specifically around pay and excessive physical labor, along with the aggressive action against worker discussion of pay and organizing.


November 23, 2021

Oral History Item Type Metadata


Aleah Tishler


Lisha Payne

